Friday , 7 March 2025

About journal

Journal of Sustainable Studies

Publishing Decisions:
The editorial board shall be responsible for approving the publication of the scientific research submitted to the journal, after evaluating it and ensuring that it meets the approved publishing conditions and regulations, without regard to race, sex, religious belief, nationality or political philosophy. The scientific value, the adoption of ethical standards of scientific research, safety of work, language and non-plagiarism are taken into account.
The editorial board is committed to working continuously to improve the scientific sensitivity of the journal, based on the importance of research and its clarity, authenticity, and compliance with the terms of publication and its approved controls announced to researchers.

The president and members of the editorial board shall not declare any information related to the research submitted to the magazine other than the author’s author, editors, consultants and publisher as necessary.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest:
The Editorial Board may not act in any form of research acceptable for publication, which has not yet been published, without the express written consent of the researcher.

Evaluation of research and responsibility of arbitrators:
Contributing to the decision of the Editorial Board:
The process of evaluating the research from the arbitrators helps the editorial board to make the appropriate decision regarding the research presented to the journal, which necessarily benefit the researcher in improving his research. The Editorial Committee shall be bound to inform the arbitrators of the publishing rules and standards, the level of diligence of the research accepted for publication in the journal, and shall not announce the names of the arbitrators without the written consent of the arbitrator himself in case of necessity.

Precision Time:
The arbitrators shall evaluate the research in a period of not less than two weeks and not more than one month. In the case of his apology for the evaluation, the editorial board shall feel this in a period not exceeding one week.

Requires research arbitrators to deal with confidentiality with research sent to them. And may not be disclosed or discussed with others except the editor of the magazine or his representative.

Objective criteria:
Adoption of objective criteria in arbitration, and beyond the personal criticism of the researcher. The arbitration must be supported by clear opinions with the scientific arguments and documentation, and is consistent with the publishing controls and standards adopted in the magazine.

Approval of Source:
The arbitrators shall submit a detailed report to the Editorial Board in case the researcher does not restrict publication controls and criteria in the journal, verify the validity of the quotations from sources, and match the sources mentioned in the research table with the proven sources in the list of sources. And verify that the research is free from scientific thefts. Accordingly, the Editor-in-Chief shall be notified of the existence of similarity or overlap between the research under arbitration and other published research as the arbitrator shall know.
Duties of the researcher:
Search Criteria:
The researcher / researcher must adhere to the publishing instructions and standards and standards adopted in the journal and in the writing of research. And to ensure the availability of rigorous research criteria, including: clarity of the research objective, and the presentation of the results in a precise and sequential, and discuss these results to achieve the objectives of research, and the justification of conducting research in an objective manner.
The research should be reinforced by the publication details of the modern scientific references. The research should not contain results from other research. The researcher must sign an undertaking to do so

Scientific Plagiarism:
The researcher should avoid plagiarism or quote the words or ideas of others and include them, such as the work of the researcher, or quote without reference to the source quoted from it. All research is subject to the disclosure program before being sent to the arbitrators, and grants to accept the publication of research.

Multiple, simultaneous or redundant publishing:
The researcher is obliged not to send his research to a magazine or other body after submitting the research to the magazine, otherwise it is contrary to the instructions of publication, and bears responsibility for it.

Specific names should be given to researchers. One of them must be appointed as a follow-up coordinator with the magazine, and the journal is not obliged to return the research and its financial entitlements if it is rejected by the arbitrators.

Fundamental errors in published research:
The researcher or the researcher must take all the notes and corrections of the arbitrators and comply with the publishing standards in the journal.

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