The impact of the Yemen revolution on
Algerian – Iranian relations 1962-1967
- Salam Sharif Mohamed
Ministry of Education / General Directorate of Dhi Qar Education
We have to analyze the contradiction between Algeria and Iran situation for the events of the Yamani revolution 1962-1976. The two countries situation towards these events came from ideologies for both. So , we could understand the Algerian situation was encouraging for this the Yamani revolution against the colonization and the loyalist kingdom system for west especially USA and UK. However , Algeria stood with the Yamani revolution despite of the period between Algeria independency on 5th July and this revolution in September in the same year. In addition of the Algerian influence with Naseriyan thoughts in which Jamal Abd Al. Nassir is the boss. It called for the freedom from the colonization and overcoming loyalist Arab kingdom systems for west.
The Algerian support for the Yamani revolution was included it worked hard for support the effort ot Yaman. Also , it worked present its experience to the new government of Yaman after the war, that’s to remove what the British colonization left behind whereas about the Iranian situation, was in contradiction of Algeria. This is because of the system of Iran for the erea. For the Yamani happening, focuses the animosity between Shah of Iran and the Egyptian president Jamal abd Alnassir. It seeks to control the erea. So, Iran worked to get rid of Jamal abd Al nassir. That was by a cooperation with USA. They agreed to prevent the Egyptian control on Bab – Almandab strait because it was the main passage exports for Iran and Sudi oil. This had been achieved due to Egyptian army lose in war 1967. That led the Egyption army to go out from Yaman 25th October 1967 till 25th December in the same year.
Key words: (Politics, Iran, Algeria)
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