The Idea of the Disputed Right in the Legal System
Dr. Ahmed Samir Mohamed Yassin Al-Soufi
Professor of private law at the College of Law and Political Science / University of Kirkuk
(A comparative Study)
Researcher: Abbas Fadel Taha Al-Khafaji
El Alamein Institute for Postgraduate Studies / Najaf |
Abstract :
We will study deals a special type of Rights, which is the disputed right on the grounds that it is a contract in which one person waives to another person a certain right In return for reimbursing the real price and expenses from the time of payment, and the second is to prevent judicial workers from buying the disputed right, otherwise it is considered an absolute nullity from the date of concluding the contract, and this right is also distinguished from other types of other sales such as selling the property of others and selling the commons.
Keywords: (the idea of the right, the dispute, the legal system).
1-فكرة الحق المتنازع فيه في المنظومة القانونية