Effects in Surat Al-Fath:ADescriptive and Analytical
Grammatical Study
Eman Abdallah Mohammed Ahmed
Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz
College of Arabic Language
The research discusses all kinds of objects mentioned in Souray al-Fath which are direct object, indirect object, adverbial, benefactive, and others. The main objective of the research is to identify and learn how these objects are used. The descriptive analytical syntactic approach is adopted to identify this aim. The research is divided into an introduction and chapters. In the introduction the researcher presents the reason behind choosing the topic, the method, and the research framework. In the rest of the research, the researcher discusses all kinds of objects and their positions in Sourat al-Fath, except the benefactive because it is the only kind of object that did not appear through out Souray al-Fath. The research concluded that all kinds of objects appeared in Sourat al-Faith except the benefactive. In addition, the most common object used in Sourat al-Faith is the direct object because it appeared in all verses of Sourat al-aFath, except in two verses where it did not appear.
Key words: (Surat Al-Fath-Accusative- Absolute object-objective in it).