الإثنين , 10 مارس 2025

Investigating Tones and Break Indices (ToBI) in Abdul- Razzaq Abdul- Wahid’s Poem /fii riħaab ʔal-ħussaajn/ ( In the Rehaab of Al-Hussein)

Asst.Lect. Hiba Jebur Hamzah

Directorate of Education/Iraq-Basrah

Prof. Balqis I. G. Rashid, (Ph.D.)

University of Basrah-College of Education for Human Sciences, Department of English, Iraq

Investigating Tones and Break Indices (ToBI) in Abdul- Razzaq Abdul- Wahid’s Poem fii riħaab ʔalħussaajn ( In the Rehaab of Al-Hussein)

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