الخميس , 13 مارس 2025

Dryden’s Dramatic Poesy Is the Main Contribution to English Literary Criticism


Contribution to s Dramatic Poesy Is the MainEnglish Literary Criticism

Alyaa Hkem   Hamid

Ministry of Education – General Directorate of Education in Maysan Governorate – Talented High School




The paper aims at providing a simplified study enables the reader of English literature to understand literary criticism during the seventeenth century with a review to one of the most important critics of that period namely John Dryden or the father of English criticism as Dr. Johnson called him. Actually English criticism appears clearly with Dryden as a systematic art, and his Essay of Dramatic Poesy is the first systematic work, which serves as the corner stone to English literary criticism. The essay reveals the merits and the faults of the ancients and the moderns. Dryden through this essay presents an adequate comparative study to the drama of different nations. The research starts with an introduction in which a brief idea about the topic, then a brief survey about the life of the author which serves as a helpful mean to understand his talent, his style, and his character. Finally, a presentation about the important sides of the essay.

Key words: (dramatic poetry, Dryden, literary criticism).

10. مقالة الشعر الدرامي لدرايدن هي المساهمة الرئيسية في النقد الادبي الإنكليزي

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